In the context of an introduction to the profession of UX/UI design facilitator, we had the opportunity to set up various workshops to develop the landing page for the concept created during this introductory week.
We explored the phases of empathy, problem definition, ideation, and finally design, prototyping a landing page through various workshops such as Gamestorming and the "Six Thinking Hats" method. We also used icebreakers and energizing games to maintain participants' attention and motivation.
Prototyping Workshop #1 poster
The objective of this first workshop was to synthesize the ideation phase. To do this, we divided the participants into two teams. Their mission was to create the structure of a poster in 20 minutes, including one or more features, a value proposition, a catchphrase, and a logo. Then, the participants had 15 minutes to discuss and vote for the best proposal.
Energizer game
After the first workshop and a break, I organized an energizing game with them centered around music, asking each person to share the music that currently motivates them. Then, we had a collective listening session for fifteen minutes, during which we discussed everyone's musical preferences. At the end of the day, I sent them the official playlist of our facilitation week.
Prototyping Workshop #2 Landing Page
In this second workshop, the objective is to create the MVP of a landing page based on the elements voted on in the first workshop. The participants kept the same teams. I gave them the choice of 3 templates to modify using Figma within 10 minutes. At the end, we conducted an A/B test to determine the proposal to retain.
Inspired by this week of workshops, I decided to create my finalized version of the landing page.
 Escape Work is a next-generation relaxation space that allows you to create connections remotely with colleagues, without the drawbacks of the physical version.
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